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Moldova is located in eastern Europe, to the northeast of Romania. It is slightly smaller than the state of Maryland and is divided into 32 districts, 3 municipalities (Chisinau, Balti and Bender) and two semi-autonomous regions (Gagauzia and Transnistria). The official population is approximately 3,575,000 people. However, the population continues to decline, as multitudes have left Moldova, illegally working in Europe or Russia. The Communist imprint in Moldova is stronger than in Romania, as Moldova was entirely within the Soviet Union until 1991. The needs in Moldova are serious as the economy is very poor. A 2014 report by WHO lists Moldova as having the second highest rate of alcohol consumption in the world.  The primary occupation is agriculture. The income for approximately half those involved in agriculture is below the poverty line in this educated but poor country (as determined by the World Bank). Other groups have estimated that true unemployment is 80%. The 2014 CIA World Fact Book ranks Moldova as the poorest country in Europe with a per capita GDP of approximately 1/3 of that of Albania and less than 1/4 of that of Bulgaria.

The religion of the majority of Moldova (over 70%) is Eastern Orthodox. About 1% of Moldovans claim to be protestant or evangelical Christians.

We are presently working in many villages throughout Moldova: Rascaieti, Pistruieni, Domulegni, Crucieni, Cosnita, Biliceni, Boghiceni, Orhei, Hancesti, Stefanesti, Balceana, Sculeni, Miresti, Viisoara. It is our prayer that God will help us extend the gospel and the ministry to other poor areas.

The marks of the old atheist regime are evident everywhere in this country. The Communists tried and succeeded in great part to eradicate the knowledge of God from the minds and consciousness of people. There are people who do not even have the elementary truths of the Gospel message. What we experience now is that we have open doors to preach the Gospel in almost every village we enter. There are new churches being planted as souls are added to the church and baptized on a regular and consistent basis. People who lived in spiritual darkness and ignorance are now eager to come to light and find the truth that can save their souls. The time is ready, the fields are ripe for the harvest — it is high time to accept the calling of our Lord Jesus Christ and to labor in His vineyard!

EEO has one full time worker in the Republic of Moldova and a second worker who directs a portion of his efforts to serving in Moldova.