The Value of Trial-Refined Faith |
"That the trial of your faith [...] might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:7) The cross of the Lord Jesus is not only the means to our salvation, and it is not just the entrance to God's abundant grace; it is also our constant companion as we follow in the steps of our Lord Jesus and work our salvation to the end through our continual surrender to the work of God's Holy spirit in our lives. This is why we should never focus on life's adversities, but rather fix our eyes on the eternal glory that has been promised to those who persevere and overcome There is an eternal value disguised in our temporal afflictions, for the trial of our faith has as an outcome of praise, honor and glory. And even if this reality will not be fully revealed until the day of our Lord's coming, it should presently be manifested in our every-day life as God uses the trials and hardships in our lives for the proclamation of both His sovereign control over circumstances and events and His great love and grace for us and those around us. As the cross of the Lord revealed God's glory and grace to a lost world, in the same way our suffering with joy and unwavering faith can shine forth and propagate God's love and greatness into this world. Yes, we can glory in our suffering, we can rejoice in our trials, we can boast with the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; and this not because we love suffering for its own sake, but because in bearing it, we become partakers with the Lord Jesus Himself, we rest in His sweet and blessed presence, we delight in His faithful companionship with us at all times, and we rejoice greatly in the hope of that glory which will be revealed to us in the day of His coming. |