I Will Not Leave You Comfortless |
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." (John 14:18) There is no greater comfort for the believing soul than the reality of the presence of his Lord with him and the assurance that he is never alone in the journey through the wilderness of this world towards his heavenly home. Jesus promised He will not leave us orphans. His promise gives us hope, His presence gives us strength and direction, His love gives us a sense of our identity in Him, His might and faithfulness light up our confidence. We are wanderers. But we do not live without purpose. We are not at home. Yet we are never lost. We are weak. But we are never defeated. We face trials and suffering. But we never despair. We can be rejected and despised by the world. Yet we know to Him we are priceless because we know the great price paid to redeem us. Yes, the Lord knows each one of us by name, and His grace is just enough for every day we choose to walk with Him. He is a God who comes near, who listens to our prayers, who is familiar with all our trials and problems, and who by His Spirit gives us the strength we need to persevere. Not only is He with us every day through His Holy Spirit, but He promised He will come back and take us home. On that day, the fatherless will see their Father, the wanderers will find their home, and the pilgrims will end their journey. Until that day, He strengthens us through all adversities and trials to be fit to live in the glory and perfection of His eternal kingdom. Beholding that great day, let us encourage one another to walk with Him, leaning on His promises, drawing from His life, submitting ourselves to His good and perfect will, and emulating His love and compassion towards all around us. The Lord is at hand! |