Our God Reigns
"But the Lord is in His holy temple..." (Habakkuk 2:20) The Lord lives and reigns from His holy temple! Deeply rooted in the reality of this immutable truth, the just can and shall live by faith. Only by faith in times of such confusion, restlessness, injustice, ignorance and even active opposition towards God and His moral standards can we face every day and press on without missing our target. We know our Lord is Sovereign and He has all ongoing events on His stage of human history and the people behind them under His control. And it is only by faith that we can live through times of suffering, affliction, sickness, and needs, when the wicked seem to prosper and continue in their ways undisturbed by life's little annoyances or inconveniences, having a full measure of the pleasures and favors of this life. Yes, but the Lord reigns in His temple and His eyes are upon the whole earth. He knows by name every one of His children who love Him and who, from their watching towers, are continually seeking His face in prayer, waiting and longing to see the manifestation of His presence and of His eternal kingdom. Our Lord is faithful and true, and everything He promised He will do. This is why we need to raise our eyes towards Him with unshaken faith and renewed hope. Beholding the splendor and glory He has in His temple, our hearts will burst out in praise and our knees will bow down in adoration, and we will receive the strength we need to continue to walk with Him with overflowing, inexpressible, unrestrained joy and with unfaltering determination. Our God who is holy, and glorious and sovereign is in His temple - as we focus on Him we will rise on wings as eagles above the storms and turmoils of a life of hardships and trials, above the multitude of needs and the burning heat of suffering, above the heartbreaking injustice and belittling contempt of this world and from these heights we will breathe the refreshing and purifying air of eternity and delight in the fullness of joy and the everlasting pleasures that are at the right hand of our Lord. (Psalm 16:11) |