The God of All Comfort
"Blessed be God, [...] the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all our tribulation..." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) How encouraging and reassuring to know that we serve a God who is the father of mercies and the God of all comforts. He gives us not only the joy of salvation, but also strength for the journey, the consolation of His grace and the unsurpassed comfort of His presence with us every day. Indeed, God did not leave us to live the life of faith on our own resources after we came to Him. He takes delight in coming to our aid, He is willing to answer our prayers and supplications, and He is pleased to impart to us the power of His grace and the comfort of His love. It is both humbling and exciting to know that the One who created the whole universe is genuinely interested in the details of our life and that He is familiar with our problems and afflictions. He knows each one of His children by name and is deeply caring for each one of them. Yet, we are not exempted from the common experiences of human life that so often intersects the path of suffering and trials. Nevertheless, more than the children of this world, we have the promise of glory to sustain and inspire us and the refreshing presence of God with us at all times. As we experience His unmoved faithfulness, His unsurpassed love and His power to see us through all adversities, we learn to trust Him more and to depend more fully on Him. We also learn to have compassion and share the comfort we received with others that are going through painful experiences of life. We have great reasons to bless our God and greatly praise Him, for He is indeed the God of all comfort and joy. So let us never lose heart or grow weary, but keep our eyes on Him, rejoicing in the sweetness of His love and imparting His love to all those who need it today." |