Below is a brief description of some of those serving with EEO
Maricel Dubei ministers in Vaslui County. He was born in Romania in 1954. At age 15 Maricel committed his life to serve Jesus Christ. Maricel has twelve children, ten alive today. He serves on the National Council of Elders, an organization that helps to oversee the "Christian After the Gospel" assemblies throughout Romania. He began full time work with EEO in 2000. As Maricel describes his work with EEO: "God opened a large door through this ministry for the spiritual and material assistance of the widows, elderly, sick and needy believers throughout Vaslui County. This ministry has been a great blessing to the local church in Vaslui City as well as the approximately 30 village churches for which the elders in Vaslui City have oversight."
Viorel Daneliuc serves in the Republic of Moldova. He was born in what he describes as a religious family. His grandmother was the superior of the monastery Agata and an uncle was the abbot of the Neamt monastery (a renowned monastery in Eastern Romania). When he graduated primary school he was enrolled in a theological school to become a priest. In the same year, his dad died in a tragic accident. On January 23, 1976, as he was traveling by train, he saw a co-worker shattered by a train. He then heard an inner voice asking “where would you go if that were you?” When he arrived at home, he found a New Testament and began to read. The first Sunday he searched for and found a church of "repenters". As he says - "I heard a voice saying 'go and see.' I will never forget the moment when I stepped in. The congregation was singing: 'Stop from your way and think a moment/Where do you run in such a haste?...' My heart sank. Then a man with a beautiful face stood up and read from Luke 15:11. I could find myself in all the things that he shared. This brother approached me at the end of the service and asked me who I was. With tears in eyes and a love that I had never met before, he told me that God was the Father of the orphan and the Protector of the widow. He encouraged me to open my heart for the Lord Jesus and as I prayed I was born again."
Returning home with joy, the trials did not wait to appear. Facing persecution from his own family, at the place where he worked and in society, he began to understand the plan God had for his life. All these things helped him to grow. God put on his heart a burden for the people from the Republic of Moldova and he has committed his life to serve God in Moldova, joining the EEO team in 2004. As he says "I praise God who uses a humble servant like me and I am grateful for the joy and encouragement He pours on us as we worship Him, and for the comfort He provides through the EEO ministry in this country."
Stefan Harasemiuc serves in Suceava County. He was born in Negostina, Romania, just a few miles from Ukraine. He was raised in a family of believers and attended church services as a child and faithfully continued in attendance as a teenager. But, as Stefan states, "These facts, nevertheless, did not bring my salvation as faith cannot be inherited from our parents; when I was 19, I personally experienced the miracle of being born again when I decided to give my life, and all that I am, to the Lord Jesus." Stefan has been serving as an elder in Church No. 2 in the City of Suceava since 1995. He has ten children. Stefan has been serving with EEO since 2001. In his words "It is not only that we are comforting and encouraging those we visit every day through this ministry, but we have renewed opportunities to share the Gospel with many people who would never come to church to listen to the good news of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ."