Romania is located in southeastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Ukraine. It is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon and is divided into forty counties. Twenty two million people live in this educated, but poor, country. The income for over 20% of the population is below the poverty line. The religion of the vast majority of Romanians (nearly 90%) is Eastern Orthodox. Approximately 2% of Romanians consider themselves to be protestant or evangelical Christian.
EEO Work in Romania is directed at this time primarily towards the following counties in northeastern Romania:
Six full time workers working closely with local churches devote their efforts to meet the various spiritual and basic physical needs of the suffering and often forgotten saints in these regions. Considering ourselves servants of the local churches, we work with local elders and pastors to learn the needs and pour ourselves into the lives of those we serve. One member of the team works exclusively with gypsy churches, ministering often to those who beat and persecuted him when he first came to faith.