"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) We are children of the Most High God. We are responsible to convey a correct image of our God to the world that does not know Him. The desire to honor and glorify Him in our lives needs to be at the core of our worship and service to Him. Otherwise, we completely miss the mission we have as ambassadors of Christ on this earth. We must live in such a way that people will be drawn to Him and come to know His love and compassion, His goodness and His righteousness, His mercy and longsuffering. We are to willingly and prayerfully bring all aspects of our life to the central point of redemption which is the glory of God and the restoration of His image in us. Our lives should be a demonstration of the supernatural power of God's grace in redeeming and transforming us according to His image. There is abundant power and grace in the Lord to live the new life we were called to and to represent our heavenly Father as dear children in this world of confusion and suffering through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As we live by the Spirit, He transforms our lives, renews our minds and conforms us more and more to His life, enabling us to more clearly reflect God's character and radiate His glory to a helpless sea of humanity. Let us rely on Him to give us strength to live each of our days in the light of His presence. Let us set our hearts and minds on His glory and live in such a way through the challenges and afflictions of this life that the world will know we walk with the Lord Jesus and be stirred to come into a personal relationship with He who deserves all glory and honor. |