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A Hope that Purifies

"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves
from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. "
(2 Corinthians 7:1)

Our hope in the promises of God strengthens us to persevere to the end, motivating us to set our eyes firmly upon the goal. Hope revigorates and empowers us to purify ourselves from all iniquity and imperfection, so that we may live worthy of God's calling. His promises are inspiring!

It takes daily endeavor and determination to cleanse our minds and our hearts from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, and to draw near to Him so that He is capable to work in us to conform our life to the life of Christ. It is a life of obedience, of active faith, of walking step-by-step in the light and in fellowship with Him. Disciplining our lives, resisting all evil and being watchful to transpose the beauty of the vision of God's righteousness to each and every detail of our ordinary life is one of the most important lessons we need to grasp as we follow our Lord Jesus. Behold with eyes of faith the hope of the high calling and be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus! Learn to "perfect holiness, in the fear of God"!

Holiness is God's miraculous work in us, but it is also dependent on how ready and willing we are to submit and obey. Let us focus our mind upon God and His wonderful promises, and our thinking will be renewed, our strength increased, and the calling of heaven will grow more authoritative and precious in our hearts. The battle is tough, the road is narrow, but the prize of this calling is worth all sacrifices, even the sacrifice of our own lives. For the prize is not some material treasure or some worldly honor; it is not something that perishes or fades away. The prize promised to us is the Lord Himself, and there is no greater joy or reward than being allowed to enter His presence and to enjoy the glorious light of His face for eternity!