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New Mercies Every Morning

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
(Lamentations 3:22-23)

When we step out from the boat of human sufficiency, wisdom and comfort and begin to walk on water, it is only while we fix our eyes upon the Lord Jesus Christ that our steps remain firm, that we do not sink, that the deep and turbulent billows do not drown us in sorrows. The moment we focus our attention upon the adverse circumstances we face, we push aside the faith that brings victory, we lose courage and we wander off course. It is not the goodness of our situation of life that anchors our hope and comforts our soul. It is not even our own righteousness or our efforts to continue to walk in spite of the raging seas that brings triumph in battle. God's faithfulness is the only solid rock for the believer to stand upon, a secure place of refuge in time of turmoil, a place of shade in the burning desert of affliction. It is only because of God's mercies that we are not consumed, and because of His compassions that we fail not.

No matter where trial finds the one whose strength and comfort is God, the dependent child always finds support to stand, reason to rejoice, and ground to hope. It is God's tried and experienced faithfulness that gives us confidence and strength to press on. There is no unsurmountable mountain, no valley too deep, no oven too hot and no raging storm too wild for our God to tame and subdue. Our soul can rest assured that God's hand will not wax too short, and His provisions shall never be barren. His grace and mercy are renewed every morning and His lovingkindness has, does and shall endure forever more.