Fullness of Joy
"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." (1 John 3:2) When we taste God's grace and come to know the love of our Lord Jesus, we commence a journey that allows us to discover the riches of a life hidden in Christ. We have the joy of His comforting presence and His faithful companionship to sustain us as we walk as pilgrims and strangers through this world. For while we are journeying in this world, we have the inner assuredness that revives our spirit that we are heading towards our heavenly home. How comforting is the reality that we have a treasure of riches and mercies in God, unequaled by any earthly treasure, unexhausted by any needs or demands, incorruptible and eternal! There is nothing to surpass the glory of our risen Savior or the excellence of His wondrous beauty. The circumstances of our life change and often times challenge our endurance, but the vision of the city with foundations brings the realities of life into the perspective of eternity and helps us see things for what they really are. Indeed, when we enter into God’s sanctuary and rest in the presence of Lord, we see the things of this life as perishable and insignificant, the worries and worldly cares as trivial, the gilded prizes and rewards promised by the world as unworthy and deceitful, and suffering as lasting only for a moment. There is no sacrifice too great and no cost too dear to equal the price paid for our redemption. The vision of God’s love, the comfort of His promises, the immutability of His care and the greatness of His grace are more than sufficient to help us endure through all problems and afflictions with joy and hope in our hearts, and continue to press on with increasing desire to know Him more, serve Him better and love Him with all our heart. We need to keep our eyes on the Lord and purpose to grow to the full stature of the measure of Christ, never satisfied with how far we have come on our spiritual journey. It is only in His presence that we find fullness of joy, and only at His right hand that we can enjoy pleasures for evermore. |