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"But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly:
wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city."
(Hebrews 11:16)

The people of God are a very peculiar people whose loyalty and affections are set above this present world and the things pertaining to it. With eyes of faith wide open and minds enlightened by the Word of God, we are indeed beholding a better country and a heavenly city with eternal foundations. We have been redeemed not just from under the dominion of sin and the fear of death, but also from the tyranny of the material, the oppression of the circumstances, the futility of self-assertion, and the utter foolishness of trying to find any joy or fulfillment apart from God who is the fountain of life and the giver of every good and perfect gift.

Knowing from before hand that the finality of this present age is complete destruction, we no longer cling to perishable things that will eventually be dissolved and we no longer mistake the things that we can see with eyes of flesh for ultimate reality. The vision of the heavenly city built by God Himself on eternal foundations draws our hearts to God and gives us wings of hope to soar like eagles above all the things the world offers and all the obstacles it brings our way. Indeed, there is no reason why we would seek for stability and comfort in a world of uncertainty and change when we have a solid anchor for our souls in the Lord Jesus. Why would we feast on husks when there is a royal banquet prepared for us? Why would we choose to make our habitation in the dust of this world when there is such a glorious destination awaiting for us? And who would want to build on the quicksand of this world as if it was firm ground when we can inhabit a city with foundations that lasts forever?

God Himself is not ashamed to call Himself the God of those who live heaven-minded like this. Let us by faith keep before our eyes the recompense of the reward and encourage one another to persevere to the end, so that we reach that glorious destination where we will be forever welcome in the presence of the King of glory!