The Joy of the Lord |
"The joy of the Lord is [our] strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) The joy of the Lord is a divine gift that we receive when we walk in submission to His Spirit, focused on the things above, completely dedicated to the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If the Lord is the pivotal point around which everything else revolves, He will give us the strength to face and overcome the present and the coming challenges with peace and hope in our hearts. This joy is not dependant on external circumstances but it is founded on the reality of the one true God who never changes. It is the kind of joy that brightens the night of the most fierce trial, provides rest and reassurance in the midst of the greatest storm, inspires songs of love and hope into our hearts and helps us rise above the temporary circumstances and see the present in the light of eternity. There is no life, no joy and no hope apart from the Lord, as He is the source of everything that is good and perfect. All those who walk in close and unbroken communion with Him have the inner strength they need to resist temptation, rejoice in trials with hope, love and forgive, and press on towards the prize of the heavenly calling. We need to purpose to draw closer to Him with each day, place Him above any other interest or desire, delight in Him and in His righteousness, and we then will rejoice always because He will be our strength. |