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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We hope this will find you all waiting for His soon return and working hard to further His coming Kingdom! We appreciate and value your hard work in interceding for us before the Lord, for the widows and orphans and so many believers that are in severe financial needs, here in Romania and Moldova.
Our work is not limited to our Christian brothers and sisters only, but often times to their unsaved children, and family members. When we come in the homes of our brothers and sisters, we bring food, assistance and mostly encouragement from God's Word. We pray with them and for them and we sing hymns together. Often times we see an unsaved caregiver wiping tears away and showing interest in hearing the Gospel. Some will confess their sins and ask the Lord to be their Lord and Savior right there in our presence. We praise the Lord for all the "little things" that your prayers and support can do, but mostly for the great work that He is doing through this ministry by drawing many to Himself and saving those who are willing.
When one of these saints that we visit is hospitalized, we are there and visit with them in the hospital, and also share the Gospel with the other patients who share the room. We provide Christian literature to read, and pray for them and with them. We will only see in heaven the eternal implications of this ministry.
We break bread with many of the saints we visit in their homes, as we together remember the Lord with them. They thank us and pray for us with tears. They thank the Lord that He has never abandoned them.
In Dorohoi, we recently traveled to visit a 93 years old brother, only to find that he had been moved into a nursing home. We went to the nursing home, and when he saw us, he wept with joy. We encouraged Him from the Word, and prayed with Him. He wept the entire time we visited. Please pray for this brother. His name is Burghelea G.
In another village from Dorohoi, we visited two widows, mother and daughter. The mother is bedridden and the daughter has cancer. They live in the same house and need financial help for food and medication. They told us how they pray for us and for those who support this ministry.
Many of the Christian widows we visit, don't have any retirement or source of income. They trust the Lord for their daily needs. The ones that have a pension, the amount they receive is often not enough to cover the cost of necessary medication.
In Moldova, our brother Viorel labors in a number of small village churches. He has a great concern for these believers where the elders have moved to France, Spain or elsewhere for work. There are often none who are able to share from the Word of God when they gather. Please pray that the Lord will raise up godly believers in these villages, and others like them, to care for His children.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support for the many Christian widows and widowers that we reach out to! Thank you for praying for them and for us, that we would always walk in the Spirit and be in good physical health to continue this work.
Hebrews 6:10
"For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister."
In His love,
the workers at EEO